Systems Consultation & Evaluation
From time to time, States find themselves in need of assistance with meeting the many demands of the IDEA or helping local educational agencies become compliant with federal and State law. SES is uniquely qualified to provide systems consultation and evaluation to guide any SEA through system change resulting from the need to reform, compliance audits/reviews, or litigation.
- Assist in the evaluation and response to OSEP/OCR inquiries and investigations
- Assist with the review and revision of State statutes, regulations, and procedures
- Compliance, policy, and system reviews
- Drafting of manuals, model forms, and/or appropriate standard practices for IDEA hearing officers, mediators, facilitators, and State review officers

Professional Development
SES consultants have hands-on, in-the-trenches experience and can deliver integrated, well-planned, and needs-based professional development training programs on the IDEA and/or Section 504.
- Basic or advance training programs for due process hearing officers, mediators, facilitators, State review officers, compliance investigators, and SEA personnel
- Training programs incorporate specific State law, policies, and practices, as well as the applicable Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) policy letters and federal circuit and district court decisions
- Training materials that are well researched, experientially based and balanced to provide detailed legal and practical guidance on options due process hearing officers might consider in decision-making
- Training content based upon information gathered from needs assessment and discussions with SEA personnel
- Engaging, interactive training modules supplemented by ongoing support and technical assistance

Ongoing Support & Technical Assistance
From conducting due process hearings, to serving as State review officers, to involvement in alternative dispute resolution (e.g., mediation and facilitation), to systems analysis and reform, to participation in national hearing officer training academies, to teaching, to developing and delivering comprehensive training programs for SEAs, IDEA administrative law judges and contractual hearing officers, and other IDEA stakeholders in many States, SES consultants have the talent and practical experience necessary to provide ongoing support and technical assistance to meet the needs and expectations of our clients.
- On call seven days a week, with response time within 24 hours of initial contact
- Experienced in providing balanced technical assistance to hearing officers / State complaint investigators / mediators without compromising the hearing officers’, State complaint investigator’s, or mediator’s independence and impartiality

Other Services
SES consultants can provide additional services on an ad hoc basis, including:
- Available to serve, by court appointment, as Special Master / Independent Reviewer / Court Monitor in class action, special education litigation
- Investigate complaints against hearing officers
- Conduct, by designation, due process hearings, State reviews, complex mediations, and State complaint investigations
- Evaluation of hearing officers and mediators